
The pelvis, womb and belly carry some of our oldest somatic memory & imprints, and holds many keys for healing...

Every pelvis has a unique story. How your pelvis and pelvic floor presents today is based on a culmination of a LIFETIME of experiences.   

For this reason, I do not believe there is a one-size-fits-all practice that will serve the needs of all women.

As a Therapist and educator, I have dedicated over 8,000 hours to supporting clients pelvic health, and healing. 

Throughout the years I have witnessed and experienced on a fundamental level the most common themes impacting women today, and the nature of care that is needed to meet and support the needs of where women are at ~ today. 

Pelvic Healing & Homecoming provides essential foundations in education, tools, and practices designed to support you to deepen intimacy with your unique anatomy, restore pelvic integrity & strengthen the body's innate capacity to heal. 

Within this immersion is a collection of practical & accessible resources I created to support my clients on their pathway to pelvic healing.  I am now very excited to be making this immersion available ~ to support you wherever you are in the world.

From the comfort of your home, journey with over 20 hours of specially curated

videos, audios, tutorials, 1:1 mentoring & support, LIVES, resources, learning & integration activities. Including:

  • Empowering Education on Female Pelvic Anatomy. Detailed pelvic & pelvic floor anatomy, the pelvic organs, nerve innervation, and the evolving pelvis across seasons & cycles. Personalised pelvic mapping activities to deepen your understanding of your unique anatomy. The essential foundations to understanding & supporting pelvic stability, pelvic floor muscle & tissue health, and cultivating pelvic integrity and wellbeing within the your yoga & movement practices.

  • LIVE & 1:1 Support: To support your personal experience, you will receive a 45 minute 1:1 mentoring & support video call, and 1 x weekly check in email with Kay. In addition, there will be 3 x LIVE group support and Q&A calls, all to support you to receive the most out of this immersion.

  • Therapeutic Pelvic Care in Yoga: Specialised breath, rest, attunement & movement practices designed to promote and restore pelvic integrity, and cultivate a foundation for balance, harmony and healing ~ both within your practices and daily life.

  • Specialised Tutorials: Educational & experiential tutorials, on understanding & supporting healthy pelvic floor muscle function, and the varying experiences many women face today. Including hypertonic tone (tense/ tight), hypotonic tone (lacking tone), combination tone, pelvic instability, and core imbalances.

  • Pelvic Embodiment: Practices designed to deepen pelvic presence, support interoception and promote somatic intelligence.

  • The Art of Sacred Touch: Utilizing touch as a practice to support pelvic embodiment, healing and homecoming. Cultivate self-compassion & loving presence; rewire trust, intimacy, and feeling ‘at home’ within your core being. Education & support for cultivating your own personal practice.

  • Abdominal, Pelvic & Breast Care Massage: Education and guided video & audio practices to promote pelvic health & healing. Including: pelvic organ alignment, pelvic floor muscle & tissue health, sensitisation & pleasure, pain relief, reproductive care, gut-health, healing & longevity.

  • Pelvic Mapping: Create personalised pelvic maps to deepen understanding of your internal landscape, and have a tangible resource to support you in your breath, movement, attunement and self-massage practices.

  • Taoist Organ Care, Energetics & Vitality: Taoist wisdom teachings, and practices to attune to your bodies natural wisdom, rhythms & cycles. Support your body’s vital organs & systems, and promote blood & chi flow.

  • Journal Prompts, Self-reflection & Integration Activities: Weekly activities to deepen understanding of your internal landscape, cultivate self-compassion, and a space to digest, assimilate and integrate your experience.


Journey at your own pace with in-depth educational & practice videos, audios, tutorials, 1:1 mentoring & support, weekly check-in emails, resource downloads, personalised integration activities, and live Q&As to enrich your experience.

    1. Welcome

    2. Preparing Your Practice Space & Props

    3. Important Considerations for Practice

    4. Logistics: Using Thinkific

    1. Introduction, Themes & Tips for Practice

    2. LIVE: Honouring Your Pelvic HER-story (Recording April 7th)

    3. Tutorial: Restoring Your Breath Imprint

    4. Breath Tutorial (Part 2): Attunement Practice

    5. Practice: Pelvic Presence

    6. Bonus: Pelvic Presence ~ Bedtime Edition

    7. Morning Sequence: Grounding, Foot Care & Body-Prayers

    8. Meditation: Honouring Your Pelvic HERstory + Journal Prompts

    9. Weekly Check-In & Support

    1. Intro, Themes, Energetics & Tips for Practice

    2. Essential Education: Pelvic 101

    3. Resource Download: Practice Journal

    4. Tutorial: Tools & Alignment for Relaxation & Release

    5. Practice: Grounding, Relaxation & Release 1

    6. Guided Abdominal, Pelvic & Breast Care Massage (Extended Version)

    7. Weekly Check-In & Support

    1. Intro, Themes, Energetics & Tips for Practice

    2. (LIVE) The Art of Abdominal, Pelvic & Breast Self-Care Massage, Taoist Organ Care

    3. Abdominal, Pelvic & Breast Care Massage 2: Internal Care

    4. Audio: Internal & Breast Care

    5. Practice: Grounding, Relaxation & Release (Part 2)

    6. Meditation: River of Yin + Journal Prompts

    7. Weekly Check-In & Support

    1. Intro, Themes & Energetics

    2. (LIVE) Pelvic Mapping

    3. Practice Journal (Part 2): Create Your Own Pelvic Floor Model

    4. Workshop: Core & Pelvic Floor Intimacy & Integrity

    5. Practice: Core & Pelvic Floor Intimacy & Integrity 1

    6. Morning Practice 2: Grounding, Foot Care & Body Prayers: Vitality

    7. Weekly Check-In & Support

    1. Intro, Themes, & Tips for Practice

    2. Tutorial: Practices for Mobility, Joint Health & Stability

    3. Practice: Pelvic Intimacy, Core Integrity & Stability (2)

    4. Practice: Yoni Nidra + Journal Prompts

    5. Weekly Check-In & Support

About This Immersion

  • $555.00
  • 50 lessons
  • 18.5 hours of video content
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Journey with 20 plus hours of Videos, Audios, Tutorials and Practices, 1:1 Mentoring & Support, LIVE Q&A, Personalised Integration and Learning Activities
  • 6 Months Access

About Kay

Kay has dedicated 1000's hours, and close to a decade as a Therapist and Educator, supporting clients from around the world to restore pelvic health and well-being.  

Kay’s work integrates her in-depth experience as a therapist, with extensive training & experience as a Yoga Teacher, and specialties in Yoga Therapeutics (Applied TCM), Pelvic Floor Yoga Therapy, Embodiment & Somatic Movement, and the Taoist Healing Arts.    
Kay is passionate about bringing comprehensive and empowering education on pelvic health into yoga, movement, and wellness spaces in a way that facilitates a space of safety, welcome, and connection to your body's natural wisdom, and ultimately strengthens your body's natural capacity to heal.

Kay believes that an essential foundation in facilitating a space for pelvic health and healing, is creating a space where one feels empowered with the knowledge, tools and support to both honour and care for their unique and sacred anatomy. 

This immersion is specifically designed with this in heart & mind, and is designed to provide you with the essential foundations that support you on your pathway to pelvic healing & homecoming.  


“There was such a wealth of knowledge shared in this immersion. I felt it was such a beautiful balance of gently offering a treasure trove of information without being overwhelming. The series of self massage practices built intuitively on one another and were easy to follow. That alone was an incredible journey of deepening my relationship with my body and uncovering new insights. Then beyond that I felt so supported by both the group calls, and Kay's availability to us all on an individual level via WhatsApp, and the multitude of meditations and other resources that were included on the platform. Overall this immersion was such a valuable experience that allowed me to build a more intimate understanding of myself on physical, energetic, and emotional levels.”

Katie, Canada

“ My understanding of pelvic care was not really existent until I met Kay. She has empowered me with information on how to best support my nervous system and pelvic bowl, that has impacted my life in tangible and intangible ways. My physical appearance and state literally morphs from when I arrive, to when I leave a session with Kay - my eyes are brighter, my body feels expanded and alive, and I feel empowered and aligned with my next movements in life. Kay's work is unparalleled to any body work I have experienced, and I recommend her offerings to all women I cross paths with. You will be held in a slow, soft and safe container, where your needs are heard and catered for with loving awareness. When I emerge from the cocoon of safety and love, that Kay so tenderly and intentionally weaves, the expansion and insights I receive, continue to have a butterfly effect within me to this day. Writing this testimonial was challenging, as I find it hard to articulate just how sacred Kay herself, and her offerings are. I am deeply grateful for our paths crossing, as it's Kay's work that continues to lead me home to myself. ~ Isabella, Australia”

Isabella, Australia

“I experience a condition called vulvodynia in which I often feel sexual pain rather than pleasure. This is something I have experienced much of my adult life, and have explored hundreds of different healing modalities, and practitioners. Kay is one of the most powerful healer's I've ever worked with. She is the only practitioner I've done internal work with where it didn't hurt. I've felt very safe and seen by her, and allowed myself space to feel layers of stuck emotion and stored trauma and let them go, bringing me back to higher myself. In just a few sessions with Kay the work we've done together has been life changing- I've had a dramatic reduction in my pain levels and an increase in my ability to experience pleasure. I couldn't recommend her work more highly! Thank you, Kay ”

Nadia, USA

“Working with Kay was a truly valuable and rare experience of healing with someone who’s highly skilled anatomically, within TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine,) organs, energy meridians, women’s pelvic care, and has true spiritual healing gifts. If I had to explain it in a nutshell, I would say Kay offers “women’s, psychic, myofascial, pelvic healing bodywork.” While experiences vary based on the needs of each woman, her breadth of knowledge enables her to adapt the practice to facilitate the healing and bodywork that each woman individually needs. For any woman who wants to feel more in touch with her anatomy, is seeking pelvic care, to heal trauma, or to connect deeper with her womb, and feminine wisdom, I would say Kay is the best practitioner that I have had the privilege to work with.”

Norma, USA

“ I just wanted to share that I love love love love your teachings so much. The nerd in me is just lapping up all of the information you are sharing. It’s just so in depth. After I had my daughter, I went to see a pelvic floor person, and they gave not nearly as much information as what you are providing. Because I am quite tuned into my body, I was really surprised and shocked that this was all that was offered as post birth support. So I am just so grateful that your teachings have popped up at such a perfect time for me. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, your wisdom and your teachings. I’m really enjoying them. Seriously… this needs to be made available, for women everywhere. There is no other pelvic floor work I have seen that is anywhere near as in depth as what you are providing. This is the piece that I have been missing. So I just wanted to say, thank you!”

Michaela, Switzerland

“"I have been working with Kay for the past 7 years, each time I work with her it has a profound shift on my entire being. Her body of work, and depth of knowledge has allowed me to connect with the wisdom of my womb as a creative vortex, energetic centre of pleasure, and how this allows me to harness my life force energy. From an antomaical structure, I have experienced more expansion, and ease in my pelvic floor, and how this chambers connects to my ribs, lungs and breathing. Each time I’ve sat with her I have made small imapctful changes in my life to assist with my pelvic floor health, my breathing patterns, my connection to my life force energy and deeper pleasure. With Knowledge and awareness, shame has the capacity to die, giving my body liberation this is so important to me as a woman and mother, it is empowering to witness your mother in her full life force energy, it also allows me to pass on this to my daughter. Kay’s work is life changing for the generations of women to come."”

MD, Australia

“What Kay offers in her sessions is a profound gift of feminine healing. After spending a week with Kay on retreat, culminating with a private session, I never felt so connected to myself, my body and particularly my womb, in my life. All I could think and feel was ‘I feel so open, I never ever want this feeling to go!”. Through her physical touch and energetic work, my whole pelvic area softened and released what it had been holding onto for, possibly my entire life. I can’t wait to embrace the full power within me now that she has helped me clear these blockages. Thank you Kay - I am truly humbled and blessed that by Divine order you came to offer me your womb healing gifts”

Jess, Australia


  • Will there be personalised support during the immersion?

    Included within this immersion is a 45-minute 1:1 Mentoring & Support call with Kay. A welcome email will be sent out in the lead-up to the immersion with available dates and times to book your call. In addition, you will have access to 6 x weekly check-in emails with Kay (covering all of the other weeks outside of your mentoring call)

  • What is the immersion schedule & how will the content be delivered?

    Pre-enrollments are now open. Once registered, you will have access to the Thinkific site. The course page will open on April 4th, and week 1 begins on April 7th. Content will be released every Sunday, as follows. Week 1 ~ April 7th, Week 2 ~ April 14th, Week 3 ~ April 21st, Week 4~ April 28th, Week 5 ~ May 5th, Week 6 ~ May 12th, Week 7 ~ May 19th. Once released, you can continue to access until content and resources for 3 months after the start date.

  • Is this immersion suited for pregnancy?

    This particular immersion is not specifically designed for pregnancy. Although much of the content and practices may be beneficial, there also are several practices that may require some modification (depending on each individual). Due to the nature of the online delivery of content, it is not recommended for pregnant women to join. If you have further questions, please contact [email protected]

  • I recently had surgery, or experienced an injury. Is it suitable for me to join?

    This will depend on the nature of surgery/injury, and where you are at within your recovery. If you have any concerns about your ability to participate safely please contact [email protected] before registering. In some cases, additional information & clearance may be needed. *Please note that all participants are fully responsible for their health & safety. Please review the terms & conditions before moving forward.

  • Is this an accredited course/ facilitator training?

    No. This is a 20 hour Immersion, specifically designed to provide the essential foundations in education, practices, and tools to support you to care for your pelvis, and pelvic floor. Through your personal experience, it may naturally support you in your own area of expertise, if you currently work in a similar field. Please be sure to review the Terms & Conditions before continuing.

  • Contact details for further questions on this immersion or other offerings

    If you have any questions, please contact Kay via [email protected]