The pelvis, womb and belly carry some of our oldest somatic memory & imprints, and holds many keys for healing...

As humans, we tend to carry the most tension in our belly & pelvis. In our most vulnerable parts. And yet ~ it is also here that we carry our vital organs.  And where we connect to & access our deep and natural wisdom.

Over the past decade, I've had the honour of working with & supporting women from around the world, and have dedicated thousands of hours to pelvic health & healing.

Now more than ever ~ having access to support, education & guidance that empowers women with tools & resources to understand, nurture & care for her unique & sacred anatomy.... is essential.

Globally, there is a significant rise in experiences of reproductive difficulties, pelvic floor disorders & dysfunction, hormone imbalance, infertility, fibroids, cysts, pcos, pms, abdominal & pelvic pain... and many others.

Beyond the physical manifestations & experiences, what so many women crave... 

is connection

That sense of feeling connected, ground and at home, deep, within the core of her being.

Being rooted in her seat of power. 

Feeling connected to her own natural rhythms, seasons & cycles.

Her deep & natural wisdom.

Out of all of the modalities & techniques that can support women's pelvic & reproductive health,


holistically support her to listen, attune, honour, & come home to her deep & natural wisdom...

this modality and approach is my absolute favourite to teach & share.

Because it also has the potential to support, across all layers of our experience,

Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit.  

Healing Benefits

Within this immersion, you will have the unique opportunity to learn, experience and receive many of the benefits of this healing modality, whilst being supported to tailor your practices to support your unique anatomy & build the foundational knowledge, skills & technique to cultivate your own practice. That you can then carry with you, to support you ~ through all of the seasons & cycles of your life. Here are some of the potential healing benefits:


Improved blood & fluid flow 

Downward regulating & supporting the parasympathetic nervous system

Supporting the body's natural capacity to heal & regenerate

Digestion & elimination

Gut-brain axis


Relieve abdominal & pelvic pain

Hormone health & fertility

Pelvic organ alignment

Tissue health

Improved sensitisation & pleasure

Boosts oxytocin, feelings of contentment & wellbeing

This practice can also also relieve & support many of the pelvic & reproductive experiences women are having today, such as:

PMS, PCOS, Fibroids, Cysts, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction... which we will dive into in this immersion.


Harmonise Qi / Energy flow

Supports healthy movement & expression of energy

Invites energy to the vital organs & systems of the body

Restore,  Revitalise & increase longevity

Nurtures essential Jing ~ 'reserve' energy stores

Boosts s-xual energy + libido

Nurtures Sea of Qi ~ elixir field ~ lower Tan Tien

Expands Shen ~ the radiant consciousness of the heart ~ through the body


Deepens connection with the body, womb & sacred anatomy

Rewires feelings of trust, safety & feeling at home within the ones core being

Deepens the womb ~ heart connection

Attune to the bodys natural intelligence, rhythms & cycles

Deepens capacity to listen to the body's innate intelligence & get to the core of ones experience

Supports feeling in congruence with our bodies, hearts, mind & spirit. 

The most common feedback I've received from my clients...

"Every woman needs to experience this in her lifetime..."

"I wish I knew about this work earlier in my life..."


"I didn't even know support like this existed..."

Over the years I have witnessed & experienced the potency of this work, and how deeply it can support women's health & wellbeing ~ across all layers...

My main intention for creating this body of work & collections of online resources (Such as Pelvic Healing & Homecoming, Yoga for Pelvic Health & Healing, and The Art & Science of Taoist Abdominal, Womb & Pelvic Self-Care Massage)

is to translate these experiences during a 1:1 Sacred Bodywork session...

Into something that women can create, cultivate & experience for herself... in her own body & life.

What are the key features of this unique immersion & how can it support you?

There are a few important foundations that have informed what has been included, and the structure of the immersion.

The first, is that

Every pelvis has a unique story & a lifetime of experiences that has contributed to what you are experiencing today.

For this reason, I do not believe that there is a single, one-fits-all approach...

 or quick-fix, that is going to support every human. 

When it comes to supporting pelvic health and wellbeing, the truth is that there is always an intrinsic connection to our entire experience ~ physically, emotionally, energetically... 

In order to get to the core of ones experiences...

Within this immersion, not only will you be supported with in depth guided practices, but you will also receive personalised support & guidance to tailor your practice & support your experience.

The immersion is also filled with in-depth education on women's anatomy & physiology, organ energetics & key pathways for supporting Womens health.  

Taoist wisdom teachings & TCM principles for healing, and supportive pelvic-care practices & resources on holistic health for women.  

Another important foundation is that this modality is an 

Embodied Wisdom Tradition. 

 This is not something that can be authentically learned or cultivated ~ from an intellectual place. 

It needs to be experienced. To be felt. 

Within this immersion, you will be held & supported by an experienced therapist ~ with 1000s of client hours, and who understands the intricacies of what can emerge & arise from your experiences, and how to support you.

The beauty of this being an embodied wisdom tradition, is that it can really become the gift that keeps on giving. It is designed to meet, honour & support ~ exactly where you are.  

There is a deeply receptive element of the practice.  Meaning that there is both 

An element of offering deep care & nurturing.  

And also ~ a quality of listening, attuning and deepening....  into one's experience

And supporting your capacity to move from a place that honours your natural wisdom, rhythms and cycles. 

Structure of this Immersion

Within this immersion is both a LIVE component & space for continued self-paced exploration & practice.

Once again, as this modality is an embodied wisdom tradition ~ practice is a key element.

30 Days LIVE

The first 30 days of this Immersion is dedicated self-practice. You will receive 4 x guided practices (1 x per week).  Each practice build and deepens into supportive techniques to nurture & care for all of the key pathways linked to Womens health & wellbeing. 

It is recommend to practice at least twice per week during this first month, to receive & experience the benefits.

Each weekly practice is supported by a weekly LIVE education & support call. Within each call we will dive into education & teachings to compliment the practices.  Here you will also have an opportunity to receive personalised support. 

Within the first month, you will also have access to a private community group, where I will share updates & offer support.  

Within this first month, there is also full access to supportive pelvic care resources, teachings, meditations & practices.  So that as any particular experiences arise (physically, emotionally, energetically...), that you will have access to supportive tools & resources.

4 Months Self-Paced Exploration

Within the Immersion platform, you will have access to a total of approximately 15 hours of video, including guided practices, education & supportive pelvic-care practices. An additional 5 hours of meditations & guided reflections. PDF downloads & written text.  

All of these resources once again, are designed to  provide you with access to all of the essential foundations in education & support,

To cultivate & tailor your Abdominal, Organ, Pelvic & Breast Self-Care Massage Practice, 

but also, to support you to weave all that you experience & uncover within your journey, into your life.  To continue to deepen into your internal experience, and natural wisdom.  And holistically support balance & harmony on all layers of your experience ~ body, mind & spirit. 


Here's what you will have access to learn, experience & receive:

  • 4 x Guided Self-Care Massage Practices: Each week, you will receive guided video & audio practices, to nurture & support your vital organs + systems, belly, womb & reproductive health, pelvic care (external & internal pelvic floor massage), & breasts.

  • 5 x 90 Minute Live Education & Support Calls: Each week, we will dive into The Art & Science of sTaoist Self-Care Massage. Featuring empowering education on women’s anatomy & physiology. Taoist wisdom teachings, energetics, key pathways & techniques for pelvic and reproductive health. Plus time & space for personalised guidance + support. All calls will be recorded and uploaded the following day.

  • Private Group Chat + Access to 1:1 Support: During the live portion of this Immersion, you will receive updates, tailored guidance and support through our group chat. During this time you will also have access to write to Kay privately, ask questions & receive support you for any private/ sensitive areas + topics

  • The Art of Healing Touch: Learn & experience that art of inviting & cultivating qualities of genuine & sincere care, non-imposition, safety, a deep listening & compassionate presence, that creates a container for healing, harmony, and feeling ‘at home’ within your core being.

  • Taoist Wisdom Teachings + Organ Energetics: 5-element wisdom teachings, including the key emotions & energetics connected to your vital organs + systems, and the specific relationship to womens reproductive health. You will also receive a meditation and self-care resource for each of the 5-elements

  • TCM for Women's Reproductive Health: Holistic tools for listening, attuning to, and supporting the natural wisdom, expressions of energy, & communication from your body, across the seasons + cycles. And keys for supporting many of the pelvic & reproductive difficulties women are experiencing today.

  • Resource Downloads: Pelvic Healing Practice Journal, Self-Care Massage Practice Companion (including sample sequences), & Pelvic Mapping; where you can create your own pelvic floor model. Plus journal prompts + integration activities.

  • 5 x Pelvic-Care Movement & Mediation Practices: Weekly guided movement & meditation practices to support, deepen and enrich your experience. Including: Honouring Your Pelvic HERstory Meditation, Pelvic Presence: Bedtime Practice, Pelvic Floor Yoga: Ground, Relax & Release, Morning Sequence: Meridian Tapping, Foot Care & Body Prayers, & Sacred Anatomy Pilgrimage Meditation.

  • 5 Months Access: This immersion features both a live component, and space for self-paced exploration, where you can continue to practice, and explore at your own pace.

Schedule: Starts May 11th

30 days: Live education & personalised support, guided video & audio practices, and supportive resources. Followed by an additional 4 months self-paced exploration

    1. Welcome message & meditation

    1. Massage Oil

    2. Modifications (menstruation, IUD, diastasis recti) + considerations for practice

    3. Nutrition + Rest

    1. An ancient modality for modern times

    2. The collective pelvic landscape & what is needed to support women ~ today

    3. Pelvic HERstory + Honouring your unique anatomy

    4. Pelvic HERstory: Meditation + Journal prompts

    5. Bonus~ Rest Practice: Pelvic Presence (Bedtime Edition)

    6. Bonus~ Movement Practice: Pelvic-floor yoga for grounding + relaxation

    1. The Art of Sacred Touch

    2. The Sacred Container: Reflection + Attunement Meditation

    1. Resource download: Pelvic Healing Journal (Practice Companion)

    1. LIVE Call 1: Pelvic HERstory, Sacred Touch, Intro To Taoist Wisdom Teachings & TCM For Reproductive Health

    2. Guided Practice: Abdominal Massage 1

    3. Bonus ~ Breath Tutorial: Restoring Your Breath Imprint

    4. Bonus ~ Breath attunement: Restore & Optimise Your Breath Imprint

Immersion Details

  • $397.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 14 hours of video content
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Inclusions: 4x Guided Self-Massage Practice Recordings, 5 x 90 Minute LIVE Education & Support Calls, Pelvic Healing Resources & Practice Journal, Taoist 5-Element Teachings & Meditations, TCM Teachings for Women's Reproductive Health, 5 x Bonus Pelvic Healing Practices, Resource Downloads & more.
  • 5 Months Access


What others have experienced...

“ I am so happy I have found your hearts creative offering. It is pure wisdom made with love and integrity. From all the directions you beautifully help to open up Womans world/cosmos - wholiness. Even thou I havent finished all of the files in the course yet, I am doing belly/womb massage practices every day with your video/sound guidance, usually twice a day - when I wake up to create my day from within - my true essence (not the mind) and before sleep - releasing the day. Your meditative breathing exercises are so deeply grounding, calling me back in to my own body. My etheric body awakens so beautifully through your voicing guidance and I find in it such a purity, no rush, no push, clarity, loving presence. It takes not long before I am connected to Love within me flowing from my womb to my heart and transforming the mind patterns/chatter. Thank you for being my guide now when I needed to heal and support myself after the operation. This wisdom and embodiment is something nobody can take away.. such a value! There is one word which sounds throughout when I see, feel, experience your creation - INTEGRITY! I would deeefinetely recommend your course to EVERY woman! Its is a PURE LOVE towards self. Thank you, Kay! 🙏🌹”

Dita, Latvia

“"Wow...the course has been amazing. It gave me a new approach to myself. It makes you drop in your body in a different way. It’s a deeper layer of getting to know you both emotionally anatomically and energetically. I felt it as a sweet connection with my body by feeling, listening, and honouring myself. Deeply nourishing and healing process that has just begun! Thank you Kay it has been very sweet, and I didn’t know sweet is what I needed!" ... Ciao Kay, I just wanted to share with you that I recently went back to practice after a bit of a break, where I have been caught up with a lot. Coming back to this practice again, wow it has been so so nourishing. I think I stayed at least 20 minutes laying with the hands on my body and feeling so at peace relaxed open complete held, so thank you again and again for sharing this profound practice 🫶🏻”

Maretta, Italy

“There was such a wealth of knowledge shared in this immersion. I felt it was such a beautiful balance of gently offering a treasure trove of information without being overwhelming. The series of self massage practices built intuitively on one another and were easy to follow. That alone was an incredible journey of deepening my relationship with my body and uncovering new insights. Then beyond that I felt so supported by both the group calls, and Kay's availability to us all on an individual level via WhatsApp, and the multitude of meditations and other resources that were included on the platform. Overall this immersion was such a valuable experience that allowed me to build a more intimate understanding of myself on physical, energetic, and emotional levels.”

Katie, Canada

“ I just wanted to share that I love love love love your teachings so much. The nerd in me is just lapping up all of the information you are sharing. It’s just so in depth. After I had my daughter, I went to see a pelvic floor person, and they gave not nearly as much information as what you are providing. Because I am quite tuned into my body, I was really surprised and shocked that this was all that was offered as post birth support. So I am just so grateful that your teachings have popped up at such a perfect time for me. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, your wisdom and your teachings. I’m really enjoying them. Seriously… this needs to be made available, for women everywhere. There is no other pelvic floor work I have seen that is anywhere near as in depth as what you are providing. This is the piece that I have been missing. So I just wanted to say, thank you!”

Michaela, Switzerland

“Kay's work is unparalleled to any body work I have experienced, and I recommend her offerings to all women I cross paths with. You will be held in a slow, soft and safe container, where your needs are heard and catered for with loving awareness. When I emerge from the cocoon of safety and love, that Kay so tenderly and intentionally weaves, the expansion and insights I receive, continue to have a butterfly effect within me to this day. Writing this testimonial was challenging, as I find it hard to articulate just how sacred Kay herself, and her offerings are. I am deeply grateful for our paths crossing, as it's Kay's work that continues to lead me home to myself. ”

Isabella, Australia

“I experience a condition called vulvodynia in which I often feel sexual pain rather than pleasure. This is something I have experienced much of my adult life, and have explored hundreds of different healing modalities, and practitioners. Kay is one of the most powerful healer's I've ever worked with. She is the only practitioner I've done internal work with where it didn't hurt. I've felt very safe and seen by her, and allowed myself space to feel layers of stuck emotion and stored trauma and let them go, bringing me back to higher myself. In just a few sessions with Kay the work we've done together has been life changing- I've had a dramatic reduction in my pain levels and an increase in my ability to experience pleasure. I couldn't recommend her work more highly! Thank you, Kay ”

Nadia, USA

“Working with Kay was a truly valuable and rare experience of healing with someone who’s highly skilled anatomically, within TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine,) organs, energy meridians, women’s pelvic care, and has true spiritual healing gifts. If I had to explain it in a nutshell, I would say Kay offers “women’s, psychic, myofascial, pelvic healing bodywork.” While experiences vary based on the needs of each woman, her breadth of knowledge enables her to adapt the practice to facilitate the healing and bodywork that each woman individually needs. For any woman who wants to feel more in touch with her anatomy, is seeking pelvic care, to heal trauma, or to connect deeper with her womb, and feminine wisdom, I would say Kay is the best practitioner that I have had the privilege to work with.”

Norma, USA

“"I have been working with Kay for the past 7 years, each time I work with her it has a profound shift on my entire being. Her body of work, and depth of knowledge has allowed me to connect with the wisdom of my womb as a creative vortex, energetic centre of pleasure, and how this allows me to harness my life force energy. From an antomaical structure, I have experienced more expansion, and ease in my pelvic floor, and how this chambers connects to my ribs, lungs and breathing. Each time I’ve sat with her I have made small imapctful changes in my life to assist with my pelvic floor health, my breathing patterns, my connection to my life force energy and deeper pleasure. With Knowledge and awareness, shame has the capacity to die, giving my body liberation this is so important to me as a woman and mother, it is empowering to witness your mother in her full life force energy, it also allows me to pass on this to my daughter. Kay’s work is life changing for the generations of women to come."”

MD, Australia

Your Facilitator

Kay has dedicated thousands of hours as a Taoist Abdominal, Womb & Pelvic Floor Therapist and Educator, supporting women from around the world to restore pelvic health and well-being. 

Kay’s work integrates her in-depth experience as a therapist, with her experience & training in specialties of Yoga Therapeutics (Applied TCM), Pelvic Floor Yoga Therapy, TCM For Women's Health, Embodiment & Somatic Movement, and the Taoist Healing Arts.

She is passionate about bringing holistic, in-depth, & empowering education on pelvic health into wellness spaces, in a way that creates a space of safety, welcome, and that ultimately strengthens the body's natural capacity to heal.

Kay believes that it is your birthright to be empowered with the knowledge & tools, that will support you to understand & care for your unique and sacred anatomy. 

This immersion has been curated with this in heart & mind, and is designed to support you to carry these teachings, tools and practices into your life.  To create a space for you to receive the deep nurturing and care that you are so worthy of. And enrich your every day experience with a renewed connection to your body, your womb, & sacred anatomy.


Frequently asked questions & important details for participants

  • Is this program a formal course/ facilitator training?

    No. This Immersion is specifically designed to provide the essential foundations to support you to cultivate your own personal self-care massage practice. It is not designed to teach you how to share this with your students. Further details are provided within the Terms & Conditions, on the check out page.

  • What are the dates/ times of the LIVE calls & will they be recorded?

    LIVE Video Calls are scheduled to be held on Sunday at 4pm or 5pm start time, WITA (Central Indonesia Time). Each call will last about 90 minutes, and will allow space for group & individualised support, as well as education + content. The 5 live calls will be held on: Orientation call: May 10th, 11th or 12th (Due to Mothers Day, the first call may also be held on either Saturday or Monday, depending on the needs of the group) The remaining calls will be held on: May 18th, 25th, June 1st, June 8th All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the course page the following day.

  • I have an IUD (Intrauterine Device), is it suitable for me to join?

    It is not generally recommended to practice while wearing an IUD. If you have any questions about this, please contact me via email.

  • Is this immersion suited for pregnancy or shortly after giving birth?

    This particular immersion is not designed for pregnancy. If you recently gave birth, whether or not it is suitable for you to join, depends where you are at individually. In general, it is recommended to be at least 6 weeks post birth. Most of the practices can be modified to suit & offer benefit to the healing process, but may require some additional support. Please reach out to me via email before registering to discuss further.

  • I have a diastasis recti ~ is it suitable to join?

    Each situation is unique from person to person. In general, because of the depth we work along the centre line of the body, I wouldn't recommend joining. However, because there can still be great benefit, you are welcome to join, so long as you are happy to modify your practice. Please also ensure that you speak to me before registering.

  • I recently had surgery, or experienced an injury. Is it suitable for me to join?

    This will depend on the nature of surgery/injury, and where you are at within your recovery. If you have any concerns about your ability to participate safely please contact me before registering. In some cases, additional information & clearance may be needed. *Please note that all participants are fully responsible for their health & safety. There are further details on the terms & conditions & participant release.

  • What is the latest date I can join?

    The last day to register for this round is May 8th, 2025, or until sold out.